Jurnal Multimedia dan Teknologi Informasi (Jatilima) 2025-01-22T08:34:09+00:00 Jatilima : Jurnal Multimedia Dan Teknologi Informasi Open Journal Systems Jurnal Multimedia dan Teknologi Informasi (Jatilima) Aplikasi Computer Based Test (CBT) Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode RAD Pada SMA Negeri 21 Medan 2025-01-22T08:28:50+00:00 Maxi Lamtama Hutahaean Edrian Hadinata Yanty Faradillah Siahaan <p>A Computer-Based Test (CBT) can be utilized as a method that leverages technology in the field of education, packaged in a manner that is both effective and efficient. At SMA Negeri 21 Medan, the examination process is still conducted manually using a Paper-Based Test (PBT). The academic staff and students at SMA Negeri 21 Medan still use paper for everything from writing the exam questions to administering the exams, leading to inefficiencies in cost, time, and errors in the grading process that can disadvantage the students. This research aims to design and develop a computer-based test (CBT) application, beginning with data collection methods (literature review, interviews, and observations) and using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) system development methodology. The system design was created using UML, with use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and class diagrams. The resulting system can assist teachers and other academic staff in the online examination process, where the scores will be automatically generated once the exam is completed, thereby saving time from manually grading each exam. The application also includes a QR code containing student data to assist academic staff in checking whether students have paid their tuition and exam fees. The application system testing was conducted using the black box testing method to determine the functionality of the application according to the requirements.</p> 2025-01-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Maxi Lamtama Hutahaean, Edrian Hadinata, Yanty Faradillah Siahaan Development of an Interactive Mathematics Quiz Game Application Using Unity 2D to Enhance Intelligence and Interest in Calculations 2025-01-22T08:34:09+00:00 Marcho Malona Hutahaean Marina Elsera Eka Rahayu <p>Games are among the applications popular with the public, as supported by research conducted by MoboMarket. Many games are created merely to entertain students, which partly explains why high school students often lack interest in studying mathematics. Two main factors contribute to this lack of interest: the first is internal, where students have a low curiosity or enjoyment in learning math, and the second is external, where they feel bored and uninterested in doing calculations. This study aims to develop an interactive mathematics quiz game application based on WebGL and developed using Unity 2D as a solution to help change students' perception that mathematics is neither complicated nor difficult. The math quiz game application includes features such as sound effects, back, open, info, quit, and answer buttons. By utilizing Unity 2D technology, this game application is built as a WebGL to allow it to run on a web browser. The development of this math quiz game follows the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) method, which is applied in detail. Data collection methods, including questionnaires and surveys, are used to facilitate the game's development process. The game also involves designing a system using UML to model the quiz game, and once the game is complete, an alpha testing method is used to evaluate it. The result of this research is intended as an alternative learning medium for high school students in the form of a game that can be played on a web browser.</p> 2025-01-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Marcho Malona Hutahaean, Marina Elsera, Eka Rahayu